
The difference between 想 and 要

想 - Means think or wish to, want to. In fact, there are many ways to use this word.
 I am thinking. 我正在想。
eg.I want to go to China. 我想去中国。
Note: In this sentence, 我想去中国 means that you haven't been to China and you want to go there. It has the meaning of "I feel like...". So when you use 想+verb, it usually means that you wish to do something that you haven't done or you did, and you want to do it again.

想吃-want to eat
想睡觉-want to sleep

要 - want. You use it when you determine to do something and you will/might do it.
I want to/will/would like to go to China. 我要去中国。
Note: Here, the meaning is different from the previous, though they are meant the same in english.
and sometimes there 要has another meaning。
eg.这本书要500元。This book cost 500RMB。
Note:it means this book needs 500RMB.  
eg.你要不要喝杯水?Do you need a cup of water?  

